Why back to blogging?

Over the past few years I’ve given blogging a go a good three or four times and I’ve given up just as many. I’m back again because this time I feel I have something to say and that there’s a point to this.

In my last attempt I tried to write primarily for the sake of humour – I should’ve abandoned that idea and gone straight to a podcast. I threw in some political and social pieces, some thoughts on uni life, and in total it became an unstructured space with little aim or purpose. Every year I make a vague resolution to “get back into blogging!” but it rarely amounts to anything more than three posts in two months then total abandonment.

I’m hoping this time it’ll be a more long term move. This time I have aims for the blog’s purpose, content and structure.

  • I want a place to keep my long form copywriting on form. A lot of my day is spent writing 3-25 word bursts and though that does technically still make me a copywriter it doesn’t feel like it. I didn’t spend a whole singular year in Stoke doing the first year of a degree to not write anything longform, gosh darn it.
  • I want a project I can work on regularly as a centre to other work. I have a few things up my sleeve for this year and I’d like a central place to record updates. It’ll also serve as something I can focus on when I can’t progress anything else more.
  • This year I hope to learn to code and begin learning a bunch of other small skills at a painfully slow rate. Having a website to try these things out on will be hugely helpful.
  • I’m determined to make this a commitment to keep up, to teach myself to find the time to write instead of making excuses and putting it off.
  • This blog will be home to something I’ve not had a platform for before called Project Happiness. I’ll be sharing resources (books, apps, videos etc) that have improved my mental health, discussing hard experiences I learnt from, talking about obscure and hard to articulate emotions etc.
Most importantly, I have a lot of exciting things going on this year, and in the world of the digital this seems as good a place as any to document them. A bit like long form tweeting.

Geddit? Cause Twitter was launched as a platform for “micro blogging”. Now it’s just memes and communism. Maybe that’s what this will turn into.

Photo creds to Vicky Wheeler. Credit your damn creatives, guys.

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